CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 1 Date 5/01/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: COMMENTS ON APPLICATION NOT CALLED-IN (DOUBLE-SIDED FRONTAGE SIGN (BED AND BREAKFAST), TORBEG, GLENGAIRN, BALLATER (03/0137/CP) Prepared by: NEIL STEWART, PLANNING OFFICER, DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Purpose At the Planning Committee on 19 December 2003, Members asked that they be given the opportunity to put forward comments on the above application which had been notified to the Cairngorms National Park Authority but not called-in. This short report puts forward suggested comments for Members to consider and agree as their response to Aberdeenshire Council. Recommendations That the Committee agree the comments contained in this report as their response to Aberdeenshire Council. Executive Summary This application for Advertisement Consent was notified to the Cairngorms National Park Authority on 9 December 2003. The proposal is to erect a double-sided signboard on two metal posts at a position adjacent to the site entrance of an existing B & B establishment located at “Torbeg” on the north side of the Ballater to Glengairn Road (A939). The signboard is sized at 1.04m square and the overall height of the sign on its posts is 2.57m. The sign is constructed of white painted timber. The lettering which advertises the B & B services is coloured blue. At present, there are two existing signs advertising the property, positioned at the east and west ends of the site boundaries. These were erected by the owners without the benefit of Advertisement Consent and, following complaints, Aberdeenshire Council sought a retrospective application for these unauthorised structures. This proposal is to replace the two existing signs with one double-sided sign. Suggested Comments In the interests of promoting local economic development in the form of supporting tourist related proposals, the Cairngorms National Park Authority supports the principle of this business and its proposal to advertise its services. However, the site is in a prominent position on a main tourist route, in a sensitive rural area. The Cairngorms National Park Authority feels that the proposed sign, due to its height, design and colour would be detrimental to the character and appearance of this countryside location and would compromise road safety. The Cairngorms National Park Authority therefore suggests that, in the interests of conserving and enhancing the cultural and natural heritage of this part of the National Park, the height of the sign be reduced and the design of the signboards and the posts be amended to suit this countryside location. In addition, the colour should be changed to one which is more subdued and less reflective. Neil Stewart 23 December 2003 MAINPC \\Cnpahq01\Company\_CNPA Board\Committees\Planning Committee\2004 0105\Papers\CNPA Planning Paper 1 050104 NS.doc 24/12/03 2